Personalized greeting card to make things special

Imagine it’s your birthday morning. You wake up with a good mood, hoping for best things to happen today. You check your phone for birthday wishes, missed calls and even check your emails along with social media to know who cared to drop sweet wishes for you. Isn’t it sweet how people take out their time to remember your special day? You then go out and check your mail box (the one outside your house) to check for any bills and newsletters. In the pile of pale colored letters, suddenly a colorful greeting card pops up. There comes an instant smile on our face. Moreover, it’s a birthday card! A personal note hand written inside it by your favorite cousin. Wouldn’t that make your day? A personalized greeting card is bound to get an emotional response out of us. Greetings cards are traditionally given on birthdays. You can find printed ones in stores but some people prefer to make them with their hands. Children enjoy making such cards for their teachers, parents and friends. It giv...